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Webinar about EU Chemical Sustainability Strategy

Webinar about EU Chemical Sustainability Strategy
With its Chemical Sustainability Strategy, the EU has launched the world’s most ambitious chemical policy agenda. It aims to develop and deploy sustainable chemicals, while seriously limiting the production and use of hazardous chemicals. To achieve this, the EU looks beyond the chemical manufacturers to include the entire chemical value chain. Key elements of this strategy have been at least ten years in the making and the new strategy now joins together over 60 different measures. The package is larger than REACH when launched!

The strategy will have ramifications far beyond the EU. The EU aims to play a leading role globally by championing and promoting its standards. It will focus on full enforcement of its rules both internally and at its borders to ensure a level playing field. Moreover, the EU will pursue a policy of re-shoring production of critical chemicals for health and for achieving a climate-neutral and circular economy. The proposed measures further include e.g. expanding the hazard classes of the UN GHS and prohibiting export of hazardous chemicals that are banned in the EU. 

ICTA is involved in global policy discussions with the EU about sustainability and free trade, jointly with other international chemical industry associations. ICCA/Cefic will execute a full impact assessment of the strategy overseen by its Executive Committee. ICTA and several of its members support the research and will cooperate closely with ICCA/Cefic e.g. by providing data of the impact on the chemical distribution industry.
In February, ICTA will host a webinar about this very important subject. Jointly with the ICCA/Cefic expert team, led by Director General Marco Mensink. The key elements of the EU Strategy will be explained as well as the background of the answer by industry, e.g. organizing a dialogue on the need for a Future Chemicals – sectoral – Green Deal. After that, there will be ample room for questions and discussion about the concerns and opportunities for global chemical distributors.

The webinar will take place on 22 February from 17.00 to 18.00 CET.